Rachel G.
I love this coffee. It’s my current go to.
Tim M.
Best wake juice there is
Liam S.
Lovely coffee lovely smell and taste
David L.
I have tryed more or less all of the coffee that contact coffee make.
One of my favourite of there coffees is
after hours.
I have even tried different coffee companies but I still keep coming back to contact coffee.
The flavours are fantastic
You could not ask for a better coffee
Mark R.
A great flavour to start the day, or post exercise coffee.
Mark T.
Contact coffee my go to “wet” excellent coffee excellent service.
Graham D.
Great coffee and a staple in my subscription each month.
Lucille M.
This is my go to blend in the evenings and after dinner. Everyone loves it!
Yvonne W.
After hours is the one I am currently using, would have loved to add a photo but won't accept anything over 15mg
Anyway this coffee is fab got a slight bitterness to it that I love and is full of flavour.
A am delighted to have found this shop and cannot wait to try the rest.
Fab coffee and quick delivery too, Superb
Damian S.
After Hours gets me through every part of the day.
Arrive promtly and tastes great
Damian S.
Great coffee and service as always.
Damian S.
Great customer service as well as top class products. These guys never fail to deliver.
Euan G.
First bag I ordered was great then the second bag I got genuinely had an off taste to it.
Great coffee for your every day coffee
Janine D.
Serving daughter put me on to these. This is the first blend that I’ve tried and literally one of the best tasting coffees I’ve ever had.
Owen D.
New blend for me, great in the cafetière but fantastic in my espresso machine - will be needing more soon!
Excellent coffee for a fresh brew every day
Maxine C.
Fantastic product!
Damian S.
Still the best blend there is.
Tried loads of different blends and companies and always come back to After Hours
Joshua W.
Strong but still smooth, Good stuff for getting you up or keeping you up!
Phill R.
When you need that coffee to hit the spot this is the bomb.
Great tasting coffee and when used in my espresso machine makes a brilliant Flat White.
Jordan G.
This stuff is pure Gucci
Kamila C.
Strong blend, perfect for that morning kick or pre-workout!
Lee G.
Who needs pre workout for the gym when you have Contact Coffee!
Carl O.
Great coffee perfect for those dark winter mornings when you need a caffeine boost to kick start ready for the day ahead.
Karen S.
Again great coffee for the ultimate caffine hit.
Dave B.
Get a great shot with this rich blended coffee
Makes a mega-espresso!
Ryan W.
Absolutely some of the beat coffee I have tried.
William P.
I love all the blends I’m struggling to pick a favourite. It’s definitely my new favourite coffee brand
Chris J.
May have been a bad bag but it tasted really weak! Tried others that were supposedly weaker however tasted a lot better and stronger
Allan S.
Pre bike or kayak this is the one I turn to fabulous for that kick you need to get on it
Danny c.
Great coffee and great service will definitely be ordering more
Damian S.
Gets you through the early mornings and tough days
Dave B.
Packs a Punch!
Makes other coffees taste inert.
This rich, aromatic blend is extremely "ert"
Thanks for the prompt delivery.
Andrew Barley B.
Best coffee to start the morning with, gives you that caffeine hit to get going
Steven M.
Amazing coffee, can’t start my day without it!!
Allan S.
Brilliant to get me in my boots and on my feet tastes fabulous too!
Ben F.
Fast delivery, great flavour, what more could you ask for?
Simon A.
I have a different reason to Operate effectively and Have recently bought Black Ops and Red On and can say I'm not disappointed. For reasons obvious in the photo Red on gives me a real kick when I've had a long night and Black ops around midday if I'm starting to lag. Both taste great and I'll be back for more.
Mark C.
The perfect coffee for our Sunday Mornings! Lovely smooth coffee.
Ben F.
Arrived nice and promptly, tastes great with great packaging.
Gareth F.
Outstanding coffee can’t wait to order again
Calvin C.
Absolutely love Black ops coffee beans! Use it in my machine and with my hand held grinder for work and trips away absolutely spot on! The club is even better as it comes straight to your door!
Ben R.
Couldn’t recommend the black ops beans enough, easily one of the best tasting coffees that actually gives you a boot up the **** to get stuff done. Easy to order, prompt delivery can’t complain.
Jay N.
Whilst all of the beans CCC offers are superb, Black Ops is definitely my go-to. Just love the flavour from the blend of South American and African beans and it has a good kick to it. Looking for something slightly milder, Shots Fired offers a similar flavour with less of a hit!
J K.
Allyness in a cup. Contact coffee getting me through day to basis Not reviewing just one product as I use all of em!!
Lee G.
I have been ordering contact coffee for about 2 years now and I have always received exceptional customer service and prompt delivery.
Black Ops is my go to blend which has an intense rich flavour.
Keep up the excellent work!
Ben G.
Have loved Contact Coffee from the early days. Amazing service from a genuine down to earth company.
Oh........the coffee is also fucking great!
Tim M.
Lovely way to bump start your day
Paul H.
Best coffee on the market, hands down.
Ashley H.
I brought this with the battle bag bundle. I like cold brew coffee and this really works well as a cold brew blend good strong flavour but not in a bad way at all. Think this will be my go to cold brew blend from now. Cheers CCC
Jordan T.
Best coffee brand on the market
Kayleigh S.
Love all the coffees, battle prep being my favourite daily drinker... Last order treated the backpack to a patch. Awesome.
Chris R.
I start my day everyday with this and it gets me through to the end of the day.
I feel energised and my senses are alert.
Henry E.
Always have to have a bag of this either at home or at home - packs a tasty punch! Really wakes me up in the morning especially after a late night at work or a tiring session at the gym the previous day! Gets me ready to face the day!!!!
Henry E.
How to sum this coffee? Keeps me alert at work, powers me for a pre-workout before I head to Crossfit or wakes me up first thing in the morning. Tastes amazing and packs a punch! Love it!
Tom H.
Really nice coffee, very smooth. I could drink it all day long - I do drink it all day long. Strong enough to wake you up in the morning, but doesn't have you bouncing off the walls all day.
Shaun F.
Another gleaming bag of coffee, delivered in perfect condition ready for the cafetiere
Nick B.
This little beauty arrived just in time to sneak into the 'team coffee jar' and evict the pathetic excuse that had been failing in its duty of getting us through the morning brief.
(all bookshelves cleared to protect the guilty!)
Kevin Y.
Excellent service, excellent coffee.
Tim M.
Turbo charge your morning brew and bump start your heart in style.
Pete M.
This is easily the best coffee on sale in the UK it singlehandedly increased my testosterone 250% and inpregnated most of the local women without so much as seeing them, the sheer manliness of this coffee made every millennial within 10 miles, run away to their safe space and gave them a new form of social anxiety.
Dan G.
Epic coffee!
Stays super hot in this flask too
Joshua W.
I've bought a few bits now from Contact Coffee and will carry on buying because the service and product is excellent.
Zoe M.
Sent 3 types of coffee to my godson and he's really enjoying them with his new coffee maker. His old one broke so, happy now. Sent him some coffee last year too. He survives on regular shots of caffiene and the immerses himself in the distinct flavours
Konrad P.
Amazing and gets me right up on my feet
Tony S.
Heard about contact coffee in whist on line so thought I would give it a go and I’m glad I did as the service and products I have purchased have been top line. the coffee I have tried certainly tasted as good as I had hoped.
Ian L.
My go to coffee. Morning, Noon and night! Smooth full bodied flavour, absolutely essential for Gangway Watches!
Graham H.
It’s like viagra for the heart!
Scott O.
Turbo delivery, really high quality sips Thanks fellas!
Natalie G.
A friend recommended your coffee! When it arrived, I could smell it was going to taste amazing! I wasn't let down! Already purchased the sample pack to try them all and a French press!
Kaz P.
Great taste, keeping the London air ambulance team fuelled and ready to save lives. #nhsheroes #stayhome #savelives #fightcovid
Henry E.
What a sight in the morning! No need to ration this bag!
Andrew J.
Best coffee I've ever got, order monthly and never disappointed. The battle bags are awesome in the field for a little bit of caffeinated morale. Highly recommend
Nikki B.
Love this coffee. Can’t wait till my next order
Ian L.
Smooth flavour, completely different to some harsh strong flavoured coffees. Absolutely what you need while on 6 hour duty duty, or first thing in the morning.
Robert C.
Black Ops great drink anytime coffee
Shaun F.
You can never have enough good coffee on stand-by. Awesome coffee, practical Battle Bags for use when on the go and all delivered in perfect condition and on time. Oh and the stickers look great on the flask. Thank you
Nikki B.
Love your products. Normally order Red On but fancied a change
Graham G.
Strolling and a sip gets the juices flowing,,,, ahha,,,,
karl W.
Black ops...a great way to start the day!
Jack L.
Best coffee around prefer this blend over all the others, packs a punch!!
karl W.
Fuelling up for the day! Contact coffee black ops is a perfect ground coffee, strong, lots of flavour and not too bitter
Kevin R.
These are the beans I put through my Rhinoworks grinder at 5 in the morning (OK sometimes it's 6) to fuel my battle with the kettlebells. Gets me through the routine and preps me for my decidedly less manly day spent in the office.
Martin S.
I believe I am prepared for anything Life has to throw at me.
SHOTS FIRED hits the spot for a quick Naffi break, But i break out the Hoofin BLACK OPS or even RED ON (handle with care) if things require PROPER attention .....
Contact Coffee my go to brew,
Connor G.
Perfect coffee to get you going in the mornings! Great flavours, easy with an aero press and will be coming on many mountain adventures with me!
Dean L.
Keeping my hopes and dreams alive, sadly it doesn't last very long due to its superior quality!
Martin S.
Decisions decisions. Not really, Black Ops is the dogs.
Martin S.
I’ve now had 4 lots of coffee from these guys and it just keeps getting better. If like me you crave the early morning coffee buzz then look no further. Taste, strength, aroma and quality in abundance. It’s an investment in your day so get some.
Harry M.
Again great coffee, order this every month